Quantitative Research

Home Quantitative Research

Our Quantitative Expertise

At Dimensions, we suggest quantitative research to help our clients visualise the big picture. We help them use quantitative data to look for cause and effect relationships and therefore, to make informed decisions. Our researches and statisticians have years of experience in deploying mathematical & statistical frameworks that helps our client to the quantify their question or hypothesis.


Quantitative research helps answer the “what is the problem”

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    Statistician’s Tool Box

    Our tool box and why is it used.

    Our experienced quantitative researchers will apply these analytical techniques to the data to make it more usable by the client

    Significance Testing

    Understand if the difference between two variables is significant.

    Correspondence Analysis

    A perceptual mapping of consumers’ mind of brands in a category.


    Understanding if there is any relationship between two measures.

    Regression Analysis

    Understanding the nature of a relationship between two measures.

    Factor Analysis

    Data reduction analysis for grouping common measures.

    Cluster Analysis

    Identifying consumers who belong to similar psychographics.

    Conjoint Analysis

    Understanding how change in marketing mix impacts consumer choice.

    Price Sensitivity Analysis

    Identifying a price point where consumer would happily pay.

    Brand Price Trade Off

    Understanding the impact of brand equity on price Vs competition.